Welcome to the Town of Killingworth website.
This website provides access to all departments in Killingworth’s municipal government, as well as a meeting calendar where agendas for town agency meetings are posted. It also provides a listing of town services, including emergency services, and information on the various committees and commissions that govern Killingworth.
First Selectman is Eric Couture
News & Announcements
UConn Extension Offers Killingworth Residents Reduced Cost Well Water Testing
The UConn Extension located on Saybrook Road in Haddam is offering Middlesex County residents a well water test for the reduced cost of $200. Participants … read more
Contact: Merecedes Ricciuti, Municipal Agent, 860-663-1765, ext. 217
Every Spring there are two benefit programs available for income-qualified residents over 65 or disabled. Maximum … read more
POSITION FILLED Part-Time Position Available – Assessment Clerk
The Town of Killingworth is accepting applications for the part-time position of Assessment Clerk. The position requires about 19 hours of office work per week. … read more
Frequently Asked Questions
You can register to vote online at Connecticut Online Voter Registration. You may also register to vote in person (with valid identification) in the Town Clerk’s office or in the office of the Registrars of Voters, or by mail with the form on the Voter Registrar page.
Each Killingworth household is eligible for 2 passes for the Transfer Station. Simply bring the vehicle registration to either the Tax Collector’s office, the First Selectman’s Office or the Transfer Station, to obtain your stickers. To save time, fill out this form in advance:
To sign up for town email alerts, please click on here and follow the prompts. You can also enroll in the State of Connecticut’s reverse 911 alert system by visiting www.CTAlert.gov .
The town office building is open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. You may want to call ahead to the specific department as some positions are part time and staffing issues can arise but, in general, no appointments are necessary.
Yes, most documents can be notarized in the Town Clerk’s office or the Tax Collector’s office with valid identification – no appointment necessary. However, wills, living wills, heath care directives or any document that will be recorded in Killingworth’s land records cannot be notarized at Town Hall.
As a Killingworth resident you are entitled to purchase a pass for use of the Clinton Town Beach at the resident price. Simply go to the guard house at the beach or Clinton Town Hall with proof of residency and they will issue you a pass.
Legal Notices
REVISED LEGAL NOTICE – RFP’s for Street Sweeping, Catch Basins, Town Grounds Maintenance
The Town of Killingworth seeks proposals for the following three Public Works projects for the current and 2025/2026 fiscal years (2-year bid): Request # 2025-04PW: STREET SWEEPING Request # 2025-05PW: CATCH BASIN CLEANING Request # 2025-06PW: TOWN GROUNDS MAINTENANCE
LEGAL NOTICE – RFP for Point-of-Entry Treatment System for KES
February 12, 2025
The Town of Killingworth will receive sealed bids for the installation of a Point-of-Entry Treatment (POET) System including supply and installation of water … read more
LEGAL NOTICE – RFP For Pickleball Courts
January 27, 2025
The Town of Killingworth will receive sealed bids for the construction of pickleball courts at Rocco M. Reale memorial field (301 Route 81) … read more
REVISED Legal Notice – Invitation to Bid Class A Fire Engine
The Town of Killingworth is seeking bids from qualified and licensed bidders for a Class A Fire Engine to add to Killingworth Volunteer Fire Company’s fleet. Bids will be received until Monday, February 24, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. and will be opened in public and read aloud at 7:00 that evening.