The Electors of the Town of Killingworth and all those qualified to vote in meetings of said Town are hereby notified and warned that a Special Town Meeting will be held in the All Purpose Room of the Killingworth Elementary School, 340 Route 81, Killingworth, CT on Monday, October 23, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. to consider and act upon the following items of business:

  1. To fund, from the underexpended lines, overexpenditures in FY 2022-23 in excess of $20,000 for the following line item:

Town Counsel                                                                                    $30,081

  1. To authorize the closeout of the following Capital Accounts as of June 30, 2023:

IT Upgrades                                                                                        $      24

KVFC – Training Building Improvements/Props                      $      39

HW Dept – Pick Up with Plow                                                       $    490

Transfer Station – Center Compactor                                          $11,401

Library Parking Lot – Reclaim & Pave                                        $14,264

Bethke Rd Culvert                                                                            $  7,153

Overlay                                                                                               $18,458

Chip Seal                                                                                            $   4,955

These balances revert to the Assigned Fund Balance of the Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring Expenses.

  1. To fund, from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Fund Balance, overexpenditures of the following Capital Accounts as of June 30,2024:

IT Upgrades                                                                                        $5,168

Budget Book Software                                                                      $1,667

KVFC – LUCAS CPR Devices                                                          $12,158

KAA – LUCAS CPR Devices                                                             $1,636

  1. To authorize the proposed new capital projects for FY 2023-24, and to fund from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Fund Balance:

KAA – 13 Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs)                 $28,155


Dated at Killingworth, Connecticut this 9th day of October, 2023.

Louis C. Annino, Jr.                                          Jamie Mowat Young

Selectman                                                           Selectman