If you receive a letter indicating you are being sent a new Medicare Card and you actually receive a new card, it is a precautionary measure taken by the Center for Medicare & Medical Services (CMS) because of a data breach – IT IS NOT A SCAM. When in doubt, Medicare Recipients should call MEDICARE ... read more
At the November 7 election, Killingworth’s electors approved a new Killingworth Charter which took effect on December 8, 2023. This newly approved charter is available at the link below: Killingworth_Charter_eff_12_08_2023
As of December, 2023, a new electric discount is available to Eversource residential electric customers with existing financial hardship status on their electric accounts. The discount is based on gross annual income or the receipt of public assistance such as fuel assistance, SNAP or disability SSI. To learn more, log into Eversource.com or click on ... read more
First Selectman, 11/21/2023-11/18/2025, Eric Couture (D) Selectmen, 11/21/2023-11/18/2025, Joel D’Angelo (D) and Eric Nunes (R) Town Treasurer, 11/21/2023-11/18/2025, Donna Dupuis (D) Tax Collector, 11/21/2023-11/16/2027, Michele B. Nuhn (D) Board of Finance, 11/21/2023-11/16/2027, William Kosturko (D), Marcel T. Couture (D) and Andrew J. O’Neill (R) Board ... read more
The Town of Killingworth will receive sealed bids from qualified bidders to provide a professional Needs Assessment and Planning Services proposal for the Killingworth Volunteer Fire Company Facilities. Services must include a comprehensive engineering and architectural evaluation of the current firehouse and predict needs into the future.
The electors of the Town of Killingworth are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Killingworth Elementary School, 340 Route 81, in said town on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, for the following purpose: To cast their votes for the Biennial Election of the several Town of Killingworth officials specified below: First Selectman 11/21/2023 – ... read more
The Killingworth Registrars of Voters will be setting up the Optical Scanners and sealing them for the November 7, 2023, municipal election on October 26, 2023, at 3 pm in the Town Hall Conference Room. This is open to the public. Lauren K. Blaha Certified Registrar of Voters Killingworth, CT 06419 860-663-1765 ext. 216
Beginning November 1, Killingworth residents can bring their food scraps to the Transfer Station as part of a new recycling program. Read more about the program on the Transfer Station page in the Town Services drop-down menu at the top of this page.
The Electors of the Town of Killingworth and all those qualified to vote in meetings of said Town are hereby notified and warned that a Special Town Meeting will be held in the All Purpose Room of the Killingworth Elementary School, 340 Route 81, Killingworth, CT on Monday, October 23, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. to ... read more
The November 7, 2023, Municipal Election ballot will be 2-sided with a Yes/No question regarding approval of the proposed Charter of the Town of Killingworth at the top of the first page. To view the ballot please click on the links below. Please contact the Town Clerk’s Office at 860-663-1765 x502 with any questions. sample ... read more