Health Department

Health Department2025-01-16T16:24:47-05:00

Contact: CT River Area Health District (CRAHD)

Phone: 860-661-3300 for further information

Tick testing is done by an independent lab through CRAHD out of Old Saybrook. The specimen must be delivered to their office by you, and proper paperwork should be filled out at that time. The Town of Killingworth cannot accept tick specimens. This process is time-sensitive. Please call 860-661-3300 for more information.

PFAS Information

Focused Site Investigation Report

As a reminder, representatives from DPH and DEEP continue to be available by phone and email to answer your questions. Contact information is below.

Questions on drinking water from private wells and treatment options:
DPH Private Well Program: (860) 509-8401 or email to [email protected]

DEEP contact for information on residential water supply wells, bottled water and treatment systems in Town of Killingworth: Carolyn Fusaro [email protected]

Questions on Killingworth private well sampling (including providing bottled water and treatment systems) and investigation and cleanup of PFAS: Carolyn Fusaro, DEEP Remediation Division; [email protected] or 860-424-4105

Questions on drinking water from private wells and treatment options:
Private Well Program: (860) 936-1218 or email to [email protected]

General PFAS Questions:
Shannon Pociu, DEEP Remediation Division; [email protected] or 860-424-3546

Questions about PFAS health effects:
Environmental & Occupational Health Assessment Program: (860) 936-0901 or email to [email protected], or, (860) 936-0660 or email to [email protected]

Questions about Emerging Contaminants in Public Water Systems:
(860) 936-0242 or email to [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I pump my septic tank?2022-08-13T14:08:32-04:00

The Town of Killingworth requires that your septic tank be pumped at least every 5 years. Undersized tanks and poorly functioning systems will require more frequent pumping.

How are septic tanks sized?2022-08-13T14:08:49-04:00

Septic tanks are sized based upon the number of bedrooms. A 3 bedroom house requires a 1,000 gallon septic tank, 1,250 gallons for a 4 bedroom house and 1,500 gallons for a 5 bedroom house.

How do I know if my well water is safe?2022-08-13T14:09:08-04:00

The only way to know that your drinking water is safe is by having it analyzed by a State certified laboratory.

How often should I test my well water and what tests should I ask for?2022-08-13T14:09:24-04:00

Well water should be tested yearly for basic water potability including total coliform bacteria, nitrates, nitrites, pH, odor, chloride, hardness, apparent color, sulfate, turbidity, iron, manganese and sodium. You may want to consider testing for radon also.

Can I make food in my kitchen and sell it at a fair or other public event?2022-08-13T14:09:42-04:00

For the most part no, although there are exceptions. Connecticut requires all food at public events be prepared in commercial kitchens. Exceptions include baked goods (cookies, cakes), and jams, jellies, and preserves made from fruit grown on a residential farm.

Do you regulate bake sales and pot luck suppers?2022-08-13T14:09:58-04:00

No. The law allows food to be sold or distributed at non-commercial functions such as an educational, religious, political, or charitable organization’s bake sale and pot luck supper.


CT River Area Health District (CRAHD)

To schedule Soil testing/Septic Inspections/Questions:
Ryan Grenon, [email protected] or

Email for Sanitation/Well Information: Click for Email
Phone: 860-663-1765 x 504

Email for COVID/Disease Control: Sherry Carlson, RN, BSN
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 860-661-3300

Office Hours

Mon – Fri By Appointment Only

Health District Forms

CT River Area Health District
All forms available on website

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