The mission of the Open Space Committee is to further the goals and objectives of the Town Plan of Conservation and Development by actively working toward the preservation or restoration of undeveloped, natural landscape within the town of Killingworth.

The Open Space Committee:

  • Identifies all properties within the town of Killingworth that might be preserved as or restored to open space.
  • Informs the owners of those properties about the options and incentives that are available to them as alternatives to development.
  • Prioritizes the value of potential open space properties based on Killingworth’s Plan of Conservation and Development.
  • Facilitates agreements by coordinating between property owners and the town or other interested parties, such as the Land Conservation Trust, the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, conservation organizations, local water authorities and Companies, etc.
  • Educates all Killingworth residents about the value of open space and preserving our local wilderness.

Members of the Open Space Committee are appointed by the Board of Selectmen.


Aaron M. Dollar (U)

Heather J. Greenaway (D)

Stephanie Warren (D)

David L. Long (R)

Timothy Francis Emerson (U)

vacant (3)