The powers and duties of Planning and Zoning Commissions are spelled out in the General Statutes of the State of Connecticut. Killingworth has a combined Planning and Zoning Commission.
Zoning commissions have two functions; one is legislative and the other is administrative. In its legislative role, P&Z writes regulations regarding zoning districts (for example, residential, commercial, industrial); the height, number of stories, and size of buildings; the density of population and the location and use of buildings; and advertising signs. It may provide that certain classes or kinds of buildings, structures, or uses of land are permitted only after obtaining a special permit or special exception from the commission.
In its administrative role, the commission determines whether a building or use is in conformity with the regulations, reviews applications and site plans, decides on applications for special exceptions, and enforces the zoning regulations.
Planning commissions regulate the subdivision of land and dedication of open space. Also in this capacity, P&Z reviews municipal improvements such as streets and bridges, public schools, parks, utilities, and public housing developments.
Finally, every ten years, P&Z must prepare, adopt, and amend a plan of conservation and development for the municipality. This plan shows the commission’s recommendations for the most desirable use of land for residential, recreational, commercial, industrial, and other purposes and for the most desirable density of population in the various parts of the municipality. The plan currently in place was adopted in 2018.
Frequently Asked Questions
Three horses are allowed on the first two acres, and three horses for each acre after that. Horses may not be kept on a lot of less than two acres.
All structures are required to be 30 feet off the side and rear property lines and 40 feet from the front property line.
If there is a unique situation where a hardship can be established that is related to your property and is not common to every other property, you may apply to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a variance.
You are allowed one resident name sign not exceeding two square feet in area and not illuminated.
No, unless the lot does not have frontage on a public street, the lot has been owned distinctively and separately from any other lot since May 25, 1957, and the lot does not abut any other land under the same ownership that has frontage on a public street.
Thomas W. Hogarty (D)
Brice McLaughlin (R)
Michael D. Drew (R)
Geoffrey Cook (D)
William T. Tobelman (D)
Paul D. McGuinness, Chair (D), contact: [email protected]
Julie A. Phelps (R)
Alec Martin (D)
Stephanie Warren (D)
Zoning Enforcement Officer:
Linda Kieft-Robitaille
[email protected]
860 663-1765, ext 505.