Registrars of Voters

Registrars of Voters2025-01-16T16:29:55-05:00

The registrars manage the registration of voters; the certification of voters for elections, town meetings, and referendums; and maintenance of voter rolls. Killingworth has one election day polling place, currently at Killingworth Elementary School, 340 Route 81.  Early voting, new in 2024, takes place at Town Hall.

Since this office is a part time one, if you have a question and cannot reach the Registrars please call the Town Clerk’s Office at extension 502.

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get an absentee ballot?2022-11-05T13:23:00-04:00

You may cast an absentee ballot if you are unable to appear at your polling place on the day of the primary, election, or referendum for one of the following reasons:

  1. Your active service in the U.S. armed forces;
  2. Your absence from town;
  3. Sickness;
  4. Your physical disability;
  5. Your religion forbids secular activity on that day;
  6. Your duties as a primary, referendum, or election official at a polling place other than your own during all the hours of voting.

If you are eligible, you may apply for an absentee ballot in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Am I allowed to vote in a party primary?2022-07-23T11:07:33-04:00

If you are a registered voter in a party (for example, Republican, Democratic, or Green), you may vote in that party’s primary. If you wish to switch parties, please contact a registrar or the Town Clerk’s Office for information on deadlines to switch parties. If you are an unaffiliated voter, you may change your affiliation until 12 noon of the last business day before the primary.

How do I register to vote?2022-07-23T11:07:16-04:00

You may register to vote in the Town Clerk’s office, the office of the Registrars of Voters, or by mail. Please contact the Town Clerks Office for more information or with any specific questions.


Registrar of Voters: Democrat
Nancy J. McCormick, ROV
William M. Leahy, Deputy ROV
860-663-1765 x 216
[email protected]

Registrar of Voters: Republican
Amy M. Roberts-Perry, ROV
vacant, Deputy ROV
860-663-1765 x 216
[email protected]


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