The functions and responsibilities of the Zoning Board of Appeals include

  • hearing and deciding appeals where it is alleged there is an error in any order, requirement, or decision made under Chapter 124 of the Connecticut Statutes;
  • hearing and deciding special exceptions as required by the specific terms of the zoning bylaws; and
  • determining and varying the application of zoning bylaws, ordinances, or regulations solely with respect to a parcel of land for reasons of unusual hardship, as specified in Chapter 124 of the Statutes.

The Zoning Board of Appeals normally meets on the fourth Monday of the month when there is business before it.


Brian Patrick Young, Chair (D)
Graig Judge (R)
Cheryl K. Fine (R)
Mark B. McCormick (D)
Benjamin A. Charney (D)

Bruce E. Dodson (D)
William R. Joyce III (D)

