The Annual Town Budget Meeting will be held Monday, May 16, 2022 at 7:00 P.M. at the Killingworth Elementary School. The Electors of the Town of Killingworth and all those qualified to vote in meetings of said Town are hereby notified and warned that the Annual Town Budget Meeting and Special Town Meeting will be […]
The Town of Killingworth will receive sealed bids from qualified and experienced providers of consulting, management and organizational efficiency services ("Consultant") to review its Department of Public Works.
The Electors of the Town of Killingworth and all those qualified to vote in meetings of said Town are hereby notified and warned that the Annual Town Budget Meeting and Special Town Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the Financial Report of Regional School District No. 17 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021 as prepared by Seward and Monde Certified Public Accountants is on file in the Town Clerk's Office for public inspection.
The Electors of the Town of Killingworth and all those qualified to vote at Town Meetings are hereby notified and warned to meet at their respective polling place in said town on Tuesday, May 3, 2022 for the following purpose: To cast their votes on the Regional School District No. 17 budget.
CLICK TO DOWNLOAD PROPOSAL DOCUMENT The Town of Killingworth, CT is seeking proposals and costs for conservation and restoration work on eighteenth and nineteenth century gravestones in the Union District Cemetery, Roast Meat Hill Road, Killingworth, Connecticut. All work performed shall be in compliance with the requirements of the American Institute for Conservation (AIC) Code of […]
The Town of Killingworth will receive sealed bids from qualified and experienced providers of consulting, management and organizational efficiency services ("Consultant") to review its Department of Public Works. Bids will be received at the Killingworth Town Hall located at 323 Route 81, Killingworth, CT until 7:00 p.m. on Monday June 27, 2022. Proposals will be opened in public and read aloud at a Board of Selectmen's meeting at that time.
The Town of Killingworth will receive sealed proposals for Sports Turf Maintenance Services at ERIC W. AUER KILLINGWORTH RECREATIONAL PARK MULTI-PURPOSE ATHLETIC FIELDS, 13 Parker Hill Road Extension, Killingworth, CT until 4 PM on Monday, May 23, 2022. Proposals will be opened in public and read aloud at a Board of Selectmen’s meeting on Monday, May 23, 2022 at 7 PM that evening.
The Town of Killingworth will receive sealed bids for Sports Turf Maintenance Services at the sites of Irene Sheldon Memorial Park (198 Route 80), Rocco M. Reale Memorial Field (Recycle Way – Route 81) and Bethke Field (Bethke Road) until 4 PM on Monday, May 23, 2022. Proposals will be opened in public and read aloud at a Board of Selectmen's meeting on Monday, May 23, 2022 at 7 PM.
At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen held April 12, 2021, the selectmen voted unanimously to adopt the following ordinance: ARTICLE VI Relief for Volunteer Fire Fighters and Emergency Personnel [Adopted 9-25-2000; amended 5-20-2002; amended 4-12-2021]